Customer Testimonials

Read what our customers have to say about us

  "The Millers and their team are spectacular at arranging logistics, which helps eliminate the anxiety that travel to new  places can bring. If you are seeking an outstanding vacation or business travel planning experience, look nowhere else."
-Howie Milstein, President of Medistim USA, Inc.


"The Honua Kai is so beautiful.  I felt so comfortable there, and the layout of the resort was awesome.  I cried when I left.  I would recommend this place to anyone!!!  I appreciate your help in letting us know of this place, and all the other questions I had over the past months. Thank you again. If you ever hear of the "Honua Kai" wanting recommendations for the resort and they would like me to come and promote,,,I will be more than happy to go.  :)

Sincerely,  and MAHOLO,,  or Ai Hui Ho--(until we meet again),

-Dore' and Debbie


"I wanted to let you know we had a wonderful time.  I really can’t complain about anything.  The ship was beautiful, very nice accommodations.  It is a lot of geography to pack into one week; you get snippets of a lot, tough to savor any one thing.  Great for my mom and me.   Thank you for all your efforts to organize this trip and save us money wherever you could.  I truly appreciate it.  Oh, also the airline seats were great!  Thanks Terri!"



"The whole trip went flawlessly. The hotel locations were all great. The rooms in Paris and Rome were extremely small but we managed. The Florence hotel was unbelievable and the one in Monterosso was charming. The Skip the Line tour was invaluable. We relied heavily upon the European garmin software so we never got lost, and toured both France and Italy without problems. I wouldn't change a single thing about the trip. It was magnificent! Thanks again for your help in making our "trip of a lifetime" perfect"



"Everything you said was right on. We had an absolutely wonderful time. Disney does it up great for kids. Adults too."




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